Introduction to Data Linkage

ID 529: Data Management and Analytic Workflows in R

Dean Marengi | Friday, January 17th, 2025


  • We’ve discussed:
    • Data manipulation using dplyr
    • Leveraging tidyverse packages to work with specific types of data
      • Numeric, factors, text strings, dates/times, etc.

  • However, we’ve only considered data manipulation in the context of individual datasets
    • We are often interested in combining data from multiple different files or sources
    • Need tools that help us work with and combine multiple datasets

Learning objectives

  • Understand the basic principles of data linkage
    • Common methods implemented for joining datasets
    • How methods differ, and why these differences should inform your approach

  • Learn about different R functions available for data linkage
    • dplyr two-table verbs

  • Learn how to implement dplyr two-table verbs to link datasets
    • Mutating joins
    • Filtering joins
    • Set operations


Why do we need data linkage?

  • It’s rare that all the data we need for an analysis are contained within a single file
  • Often interested in combining data across two or more files or sources
  • For example, NHANES generates a number of datasets for each survey cycle
    • Separate files for demographics, clinical exams, laboratory tests, questionnaires, etc.
    • Participant data from a given survey cycle must be linked across multiple datasets with a unique identifier
    • This is how the ID529data::nhanes_id529 dataset was created!
# A tibble: 14 × 2
   Data.File.Name Data.File.Description           
   <chr>          <chr>                           
 1 BPX_J          Blood Pressure                  
 2 BMX_J          Body Measures                   
 3 OHXDEN_J       Oral Health - Dentition         
 4 OHXREF_J       Oral Health - Recommendation of…
 5 DXXFEM_J       Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometr…
 6 DXX_J          Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometr…
 7 DXXSPN_J       Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometr…
 8 LUX_J          Liver Ultrasound Transient Elas…
 9 DXXAG_J        Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometr…
10 BPXO_J         Blood Pressure - Oscillometric …
11 AUX_J          Audiometry                      
12 AUXAR_J        Audiometry - Acoustic Reflex    
13 AUXTYM_J       Audiometry - Tympanometry       
14 AUXWBR_J       Audiometry - Wideband Reflectan…
# A tibble: 10 × 2
   Data.File.Name Data.File.Description           
   <chr>          <chr>                           
 1 DR1TOT_J       Dietary Interview - Total Nutri…
 2 DR2TOT_J       Dietary Interview - Total Nutri…
 3 DR1IFF_J       Dietary Interview - Individual …
 4 DR2IFF_J       Dietary Interview - Individual …
 5 DS1IDS_J       Dietary Supplement Use 24-Hour …
 6 DSQTOT_J       Dietary Supplement Use 30-Day -…
 7 DS2IDS_J       Dietary Supplement Use 24-Hour …
 8 DS1TOT_J       Dietary Supplement Use 24-Hour …
 9 DS2TOT_J       Dietary Supplement Use 24-Hour …
10 DSQIDS_J       Dietary Supplement Use 30-Day -…

dplyr two table verbs

Three classes of dplyr verbs that work with two tables at a time

  • Mutating joins
    • Combine variables from multiple tables
    • Adds new columns to one table with matched rows from another table
    • Two types:
      • Inner join: inner_join()
      • Outer joins: left_join(), right_join(), full_join()
  • Filtering joins
    • Filter rows from one table if they match a row in a second table
      • Unmatched rows are discarded if join condition is not met
    • Great tools for identifying row mismatches between tables
    • semi_join(), anti_join

dplyr two table verbs (cont.)

Set operations

  • Combine observations from two datasets, but treats observations as set elements
    • i.e., treat rows in each table as individual items in a set
      • Both tables need to contain the same columns
      • Find rows in both tables (intersection)
      • Find rows in either table, but not both (union)
      • Find rows in one table, but not other (difference)
  • intersect(), union(), setdiff()

Example dataset


  • NHANES dataset available on the ID529 GitHub
  • The dataset includes individual-level:
    • Demographic and clinical characteristics
    • Socioeconomic parameters
    • Blood measures of PFAS/PFOA
    • Dietary intake parameters
  • For our examples, we will split these data into smaller datasets that each contain different variables, identifiers, and number of observations.
    • clinical: id1, age, race_eth, sbp, ht, wt
    • pfas: id1, pfos, pfoa, pfna, pfhs, pfde
# Create demog/clincal characteristics table (id1)
clinical <- nhanes %>%
  rename(race_eth = race_ethnicity,
         sbp = mean_BP, 
         ht = height,
         wt = weight) %>%
  select(id1, age, race_eth, sbp:ht)
# Create pfas data table (id1)
pfas <- nhanes %>% 
  select(id1, PFOS:PFDE) %>% 
  rename_with(~ str_to_lower(.)) %>%
  filter(rowSums( < 5)

Example dataset

# Demographic and clinical characteristics
# A tibble: 2,339 × 6
   id1     age race_eth             sbp    wt    ht
   <chr> <int> <fct>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568    26 Non-Hispanic White  105.  47.1  152.
 2 73571    76 Non-Hispanic White  126  102.   172.
 3 73574    33 <NA>                121.  56.8  158 
 4 73576    16 Non-Hispanic Black  109.  67.3  170.
 5 73577    32 Hispanic            119.  79.7  166.
 6 73578    18 Hispanic            123. 109.   175.
 7 73584    13 Non-Hispanic White  109.  53.1  145.
 8 73587    14 <NA>                112  110.   169.
 9 73597    50 Non-Hispanic Black  NaN  104.   180.
10 73598    20 Hispanic            112   86.7  165 
# ℹ 2,329 more rows
# PFAS data filtered for obs with data
# A tibble: 2,168 × 6
   id1    pfos  pfoa  pfna  pfhs  pfde
   <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568   2.2  3      0.5   3     0.2
 2 73571  10.2  4.77   1.3   2     0.3
 3 73574  NA   NA      0.7   0.2   0.1
 4 73576   4.7  2.37   0.6   7.6   0.2
 5 73577   3    1.47   0.4   1.2   0.1
 6 73584   7    2.37   0.8   0.8   0.2
 7 73587  35.5  6.17   3.3   6.3   1.7
 8 73598   4.7  1.8    0.5   1.6   0.2
 9 73599   4.5  1.87   1.7   0.8   0.2
10 73600   6.3  1.67   0.5   1.6   0.2
# ℹ 2,158 more rows

dplyr mutating joins


Main arguments

  x, # dataset 1 (i.e., the dataset on the left side)
  y, # dataset 2 (i.e., the dataset on the right side)
  by = NULL,
  suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
  keep = FALSE
  • x = Data frame 1 (left table)
  • y = Data frame 2 (right table)
  • by = Column names(s) of variables to match rows by (key)
  • suffix = Character string appended to column names that appear in both x and y
  • keep= If TRUE, preserve the join keys from both x and y


  • Adds columns from y (right table) to x (left table)
  • All rows from x are preserved in the join
    • i.e., keeps all rows from x regardless of whether there’s a match in y
  • Of the joins, used most frequently
    • Allow you to add new variables from other tables

dplyr::left_join() example

# Print clinical dataset
# A tibble: 2,339 × 6
   id1     age race_eth             sbp    wt    ht
   <chr> <int> <fct>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568    26 Non-Hispanic White  105.  47.1  152.
 2 73571    76 Non-Hispanic White  126  102.   172.
 3 73574    33 <NA>                121.  56.8  158 
 4 73576    16 Non-Hispanic Black  109.  67.3  170.
 5 73577    32 Hispanic            119.  79.7  166.
 6 73578    18 Hispanic            123. 109.   175.
 7 73584    13 Non-Hispanic White  109.  53.1  145.
 8 73587    14 <NA>                112  110.   169.
 9 73597    50 Non-Hispanic Black  NaN  104.   180.
10 73598    20 Hispanic            112   86.7  165 
# ℹ 2,329 more rows
# Print PFAS dataset
# A tibble: 2,168 × 6
   id1    pfos  pfoa  pfna  pfhs  pfde
   <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568   2.2  3      0.5   3     0.2
 2 73571  10.2  4.77   1.3   2     0.3
 3 73574  NA   NA      0.7   0.2   0.1
 4 73576   4.7  2.37   0.6   7.6   0.2
 5 73577   3    1.47   0.4   1.2   0.1
 6 73584   7    2.37   0.8   0.8   0.2
 7 73587  35.5  6.17   3.3   6.3   1.7
 8 73598   4.7  1.8    0.5   1.6   0.2
 9 73599   4.5  1.87   1.7   0.8   0.2
10 73600   6.3  1.67   0.5   1.6   0.2
# ℹ 2,158 more rows
# Perform a left join
left_join(x = clinical, y = pfas, by = "id1")
# A tibble: 2,339 × 11
   id1     age race_eth      sbp    wt    ht  pfos
   <chr> <int> <fct>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568    26 Non-Hispan…  105.  47.1  152.   2.2
 2 73571    76 Non-Hispan…  126  102.   172.  10.2
 3 73574    33 <NA>         121.  56.8  158   NA  
 4 73576    16 Non-Hispan…  109.  67.3  170.   4.7
 5 73577    32 Hispanic     119.  79.7  166.   3  
 6 73578    18 Hispanic     123. 109.   175.  NA  
 7 73584    13 Non-Hispan…  109.  53.1  145.   7  
 8 73587    14 <NA>         112  110.   169.  35.5
 9 73597    50 Non-Hispan…  NaN  104.   180.  NA  
10 73598    20 Hispanic     112   86.7  165    4.7
# ℹ 2,329 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: pfoa <dbl>, pfna <dbl>,
#   pfhs <dbl>, pfde <dbl>


Main arguments

  by = NULL,
  suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
  keep = FALSE
  • x = Data frame 1 (left table)
  • y = Data frame 2 (right table)
  • by = Column names(s) of variables to match rows by (key)
  • suffix = Character string appended to column names that appear in both x and y
  • keep= If TRUE, preserve the join keys from both x and y


  • Adds columns from x (left table) to y (right table)
  • All rows from y are preserved in the join
    • i.e., keeps all rows from y regardless of whether there’s a match in x

dplyr::right_join() example

# Print clincal dataset
# A tibble: 2,339 × 6
   id1     age race_eth             sbp    wt    ht
   <chr> <int> <fct>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568    26 Non-Hispanic White  105.  47.1  152.
 2 73571    76 Non-Hispanic White  126  102.   172.
 3 73574    33 <NA>                121.  56.8  158 
 4 73576    16 Non-Hispanic Black  109.  67.3  170.
 5 73577    32 Hispanic            119.  79.7  166.
 6 73578    18 Hispanic            123. 109.   175.
 7 73584    13 Non-Hispanic White  109.  53.1  145.
 8 73587    14 <NA>                112  110.   169.
 9 73597    50 Non-Hispanic Black  NaN  104.   180.
10 73598    20 Hispanic            112   86.7  165 
# ℹ 2,329 more rows
# Print PFAS dataset
# A tibble: 2,168 × 6
   id1    pfos  pfoa  pfna  pfhs  pfde
   <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568   2.2  3      0.5   3     0.2
 2 73571  10.2  4.77   1.3   2     0.3
 3 73574  NA   NA      0.7   0.2   0.1
 4 73576   4.7  2.37   0.6   7.6   0.2
 5 73577   3    1.47   0.4   1.2   0.1
 6 73584   7    2.37   0.8   0.8   0.2
 7 73587  35.5  6.17   3.3   6.3   1.7
 8 73598   4.7  1.8    0.5   1.6   0.2
 9 73599   4.5  1.87   1.7   0.8   0.2
10 73600   6.3  1.67   0.5   1.6   0.2
# ℹ 2,158 more rows
right_join(x = clinical, y = pfas, by = "id1")
# A tibble: 2,168 × 11
   id1     age race_eth      sbp    wt    ht  pfos
   <chr> <int> <fct>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568    26 Non-Hispan…  105.  47.1  152.   2.2
 2 73571    76 Non-Hispan…  126  102.   172.  10.2
 3 73574    33 <NA>         121.  56.8  158   NA  
 4 73576    16 Non-Hispan…  109.  67.3  170.   4.7
 5 73577    32 Hispanic     119.  79.7  166.   3  
 6 73584    13 Non-Hispan…  109.  53.1  145.   7  
 7 73587    14 <NA>         112  110.   169.  35.5
 8 73598    20 Hispanic     112   86.7  165    4.7
 9 73599    13 Non-Hispan…  118   44.9  159.   4.5
10 73600    37 Non-Hispan…  149. 126.   185.   6.3
# ℹ 2,158 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: pfoa <dbl>, pfna <dbl>,
#   pfhs <dbl>, pfde <dbl>


Main arguments

  by = NULL,
  copy = FALSE,
  suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
  keep = FALSE
  • x = Data frame x
  • y = Data frame y
  • by= Column name(s) to join x and y by
  • suffix= Suffix to append to duplicate vars
  • keep= Keep the join key from both x and y


  • Returns rows that match in both x and y
    • Unmatched rows are dropped
  • Most restrictive of the mutating joins

dplyr::inner_join() example

# Print clinical dataset
# A tibble: 2,339 × 6
   id1     age race_eth             sbp    wt    ht
   <chr> <int> <fct>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568    26 Non-Hispanic White  105.  47.1  152.
 2 73571    76 Non-Hispanic White  126  102.   172.
 3 73574    33 <NA>                121.  56.8  158 
 4 73576    16 Non-Hispanic Black  109.  67.3  170.
 5 73577    32 Hispanic            119.  79.7  166.
 6 73578    18 Hispanic            123. 109.   175.
 7 73584    13 Non-Hispanic White  109.  53.1  145.
 8 73587    14 <NA>                112  110.   169.
 9 73597    50 Non-Hispanic Black  NaN  104.   180.
10 73598    20 Hispanic            112   86.7  165 
# ℹ 2,329 more rows
# Print PFAS dataset
# A tibble: 2,168 × 6
   id1    pfos  pfoa  pfna  pfhs  pfde
   <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568   2.2  3      0.5   3     0.2
 2 73571  10.2  4.77   1.3   2     0.3
 3 73574  NA   NA      0.7   0.2   0.1
 4 73576   4.7  2.37   0.6   7.6   0.2
 5 73577   3    1.47   0.4   1.2   0.1
 6 73584   7    2.37   0.8   0.8   0.2
 7 73587  35.5  6.17   3.3   6.3   1.7
 8 73598   4.7  1.8    0.5   1.6   0.2
 9 73599   4.5  1.87   1.7   0.8   0.2
10 73600   6.3  1.67   0.5   1.6   0.2
# ℹ 2,158 more rows
# Perform an inner join
inner_join(x = clinical, y = pfas, by = "id1")
# A tibble: 2,168 × 11
   id1     age race_eth      sbp    wt    ht  pfos
   <chr> <int> <fct>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568    26 Non-Hispan…  105.  47.1  152.   2.2
 2 73571    76 Non-Hispan…  126  102.   172.  10.2
 3 73574    33 <NA>         121.  56.8  158   NA  
 4 73576    16 Non-Hispan…  109.  67.3  170.   4.7
 5 73577    32 Hispanic     119.  79.7  166.   3  
 6 73584    13 Non-Hispan…  109.  53.1  145.   7  
 7 73587    14 <NA>         112  110.   169.  35.5
 8 73598    20 Hispanic     112   86.7  165    4.7
 9 73599    13 Non-Hispan…  118   44.9  159.   4.5
10 73600    37 Non-Hispan…  149. 126.   185.   6.3
# ℹ 2,158 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: pfoa <dbl>, pfna <dbl>,
#   pfhs <dbl>, pfde <dbl>


Main arguments

  by = NULL,
  suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
  keep = FALSE
  • x = Data frame x
  • y = Data frame y
  • by= Column name(s) to join x and y by
  • suffix= Suffix to append to duplicate vars
  • keep= Keep the join key from both x and y


  • Returns all rows in x or y
  • Least restrictive
    • No observations are removed

dplyr::full_join() example

# Print clinical datast
# A tibble: 2,339 × 6
   id1     age race_eth             sbp    wt    ht
   <chr> <int> <fct>              <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568    26 Non-Hispanic White  105.  47.1  152.
 2 73571    76 Non-Hispanic White  126  102.   172.
 3 73574    33 <NA>                121.  56.8  158 
 4 73576    16 Non-Hispanic Black  109.  67.3  170.
 5 73577    32 Hispanic            119.  79.7  166.
 6 73578    18 Hispanic            123. 109.   175.
 7 73584    13 Non-Hispanic White  109.  53.1  145.
 8 73587    14 <NA>                112  110.   169.
 9 73597    50 Non-Hispanic Black  NaN  104.   180.
10 73598    20 Hispanic            112   86.7  165 
# ℹ 2,329 more rows
# Print PFAS dataset
# A tibble: 2,168 × 6
   id1    pfos  pfoa  pfna  pfhs  pfde
   <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568   2.2  3      0.5   3     0.2
 2 73571  10.2  4.77   1.3   2     0.3
 3 73574  NA   NA      0.7   0.2   0.1
 4 73576   4.7  2.37   0.6   7.6   0.2
 5 73577   3    1.47   0.4   1.2   0.1
 6 73584   7    2.37   0.8   0.8   0.2
 7 73587  35.5  6.17   3.3   6.3   1.7
 8 73598   4.7  1.8    0.5   1.6   0.2
 9 73599   4.5  1.87   1.7   0.8   0.2
10 73600   6.3  1.67   0.5   1.6   0.2
# ℹ 2,158 more rows
# Perform full join
full_join(x = clinical, y = pfas, by = "id1")
# A tibble: 2,339 × 11
   id1     age race_eth      sbp    wt    ht  pfos
   <chr> <int> <fct>       <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
 1 73568    26 Non-Hispan…  105.  47.1  152.   2.2
 2 73571    76 Non-Hispan…  126  102.   172.  10.2
 3 73574    33 <NA>         121.  56.8  158   NA  
 4 73576    16 Non-Hispan…  109.  67.3  170.   4.7
 5 73577    32 Hispanic     119.  79.7  166.   3  
 6 73578    18 Hispanic     123. 109.   175.  NA  
 7 73584    13 Non-Hispan…  109.  53.1  145.   7  
 8 73587    14 <NA>         112  110.   169.  35.5
 9 73597    50 Non-Hispan…  NaN  104.   180.  NA  
10 73598    20 Hispanic     112   86.7  165    4.7
# ℹ 2,329 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: pfoa <dbl>, pfna <dbl>,
#   pfhs <dbl>, pfde <dbl>

dplyr filtering joins


Main arguments

          by = NULL,
  • x = Data frame 1 (left)
  • y = Data frame 2 (right)
  • by = Column names(s) of variables to match rows by (key)


  • Keeps all observations in x that have a match in y
  • Useful for filtering x by the presence of a match in y


Main arguments

          by = NULL
  • x = Data frame 1 (left)
  • y = Data frame 2 (right)
  • by = Column names(s) of variables to match rows by (key)


  • Returns rows from x where there is no match in y
  • Useful when you want to filter the first table by the absence of a match in the second table
    • That is, identify observations in x that don’t appear in y

dplyr set operations


Main arguments

union(x, y)
union_all(x, y)
  • x = Data frame 1 (left)
  • y = Data frame 2 (right)


  • union()
    • Return unique observations in x and y
  • union_all()
    • Return unique and duplicate observations in x and y


Main arguments

setdiff(x, y, ...)
  • x = Data frame 1 (left)
  • y = Data frame 2 (right)


  • Returns the rows that are in the first table but not in the second
    • That is, return observations in x, but not in y

Key takeaways

  • Joining together two or more datasets is a routine component of data analysis workflows
    • Different types of joins are useful in different situations
    • It’s important to be aware of how and when to use each (left, right, inner, etc.)
      • All have distinct implications for how the underlying data are manipulated
  • Like all data manipulation tasks, joining data can get complicated!
  • Common challenges include:
    • Inconsistencies in unique identifiers
    • Duplicate records and missing values
    • Non-unique identifiers (require matching data frames on two or more variables)
    • Joining datasets can be complex and requires a good understanding of the data structure
  • dplyr includes a number of two-table functions (verbs)
    • Like other dplyr verbs, two-table verbs are:
      • Intuitive to use
      • Can be incorporated into a sequence of data cleaning operations using the pipe operator

