Here, we illustrate how the gtsummary, sjPlot, stargazer, and ggstatsplot packages can be used in an RMarkdown document to generate pretty tables and figures. We show a few more options for adjusting things like table captions to make your tables and figures more informative.

This example uses the NHANES dataset and the linear and logistic regression models that we looked at on Day 4.

Setting up the data and fitting linear and logistic regression models to use as examples

# Set up the analytic dataset
df <- NHANES  %>%  
  # Remember that we have to restrict to people 25 and above
  filter(Age>=25)  %>% 
  # recoding of the variables we're going to use
  mutate(agecat = case_when(
      Age < 35 ~ "25-34",
      35 <= Age & Age < 45 ~ "35-44",
      Age >= 45 & Age < 55 ~ "45-54",
      Age >= 55 & Age < 65 ~ "55-64",
      Age >= 65 & Age < 75 ~ "65-74",
      Age >= 75 ~ "75+"),
    # We want College Grad to be the reference category for education, so we'll
    # re-order the factor so that it is reversed from the way it came in the NHANES dataset
    Education = factor(Education, 
    # Here we collapse Hispanic and Mexican into the Hispanic category
    racecat = factor(case_when(
      Race1 %in% c("Hispanic", "Mexican") ~ "Hispanic",
      Race1 %in% c("Asian", "Other") ~ "Other Non-Hispanic",
      Race1 == "Black" ~ "Black Non-Hispanic",
      Race1 == "White" ~ "White Non-Hispanic"), 
      levels = c("White Non-Hispanic", "Black Non-Hispanic", "Hispanic", "Other Non-Hispanic"))
  ) %>%
  # select just variables we are going to use in the analysis
  select(ID, SurveyYr, Gender, Age, agecat, Education, racecat, BPSysAve, SmokeNow)

# Knowing that there are differing amounts of missing data in the different variables,
# it would be better if we defined our analytic dataset based non-missing data on all of 
# variables we know we are going to include in our analysis.
# NOTE: There is a substantial amount of missing data, so complete case analysis could
# yield biased results if the data are not Missing Completely At Random!

df_completecase <- df %>%
  filter(! & ! & ! & !
# Fit the linear regression models of interest
# relating BPSysAve to Education, and adjusting
# for covariates: age category, gender, race category, and the interaction
# of race and gender

lm_model1 <- lm(BPSysAve ~ factor(Education), 
lm_model2 <- lm(BPSysAve ~ factor(Education) + factor(agecat) + Gender, 
lm_model3 <- lm(BPSysAve ~ factor(Education) + factor(agecat) + Gender + factor(racecat), 

lm_model4 <- lm(BPSysAve ~ factor(Education) + factor(agecat) + interaction(Gender,factor(racecat)), 

# Fit the logistic regression models of interest
# relating the same covariates to SmokeNow

logistic_model1 <- glm(SmokeNow ~ factor(Education), 

logistic_model2 <- glm(SmokeNow ~ factor(Education) + factor(agecat) + Gender, 

logistic_model3 <- glm(SmokeNow ~ factor(Education) + factor(agecat) + Gender + factor(racecat), 

logistic_model4 <- glm(SmokeNow ~ factor(Education) + factor(agecat) + interaction(Gender,factor(racecat)), 

## Call:
## glm(formula = SmokeNow ~ factor(Education) + factor(agecat) + 
##     interaction(Gender, factor(racecat)), family = binomial(link = logit), 
##     data = df_completecase)
## Coefficients:
##                                                               Estimate
## (Intercept)                                                   -0.38896
## factor(Education)Some College                                  0.85809
## factor(Education)High School                                   1.03404
## factor(Education)9 - 11th Grade                                1.61269
## factor(Education)8th Grade                                     1.33465
## factor(agecat)35-44                                           -0.38197
## factor(agecat)45-54                                           -0.67390
## factor(agecat)55-64                                           -0.88896
## factor(agecat)65-74                                           -1.73475
## factor(agecat)75+                                             -2.86574
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.White Non-Hispanic   -0.08169
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Black Non-Hispanic  0.64043
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Black Non-Hispanic    0.44131
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Hispanic           -0.38558
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Hispanic             -0.30311
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Other Non-Hispanic  1.06416
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Other Non-Hispanic    0.83307
##                                                               Std. Error
## (Intercept)                                                      0.13482
## factor(Education)Some College                                    0.11812
## factor(Education)High School                                     0.12774
## factor(Education)9 - 11th Grade                                  0.13973
## factor(Education)8th Grade                                       0.19639
## factor(agecat)35-44                                              0.12837
## factor(agecat)45-54                                              0.12395
## factor(agecat)55-64                                              0.13085
## factor(agecat)65-74                                              0.15744
## factor(agecat)75+                                                0.22715
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.White Non-Hispanic      0.09642
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Black Non-Hispanic    0.21721
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Black Non-Hispanic      0.18821
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Hispanic              0.23786
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Hispanic                0.17160
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Other Non-Hispanic    0.32297
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Other Non-Hispanic      0.23089
##                                                               z value Pr(>|z|)
## (Intercept)                                                    -2.885 0.003912
## factor(Education)Some College                                   7.265 3.74e-13
## factor(Education)High School                                    8.095 5.72e-16
## factor(Education)9 - 11th Grade                                11.542  < 2e-16
## factor(Education)8th Grade                                      6.796 1.08e-11
## factor(agecat)35-44                                            -2.976 0.002924
## factor(agecat)45-54                                            -5.437 5.42e-08
## factor(agecat)55-64                                            -6.794 1.09e-11
## factor(agecat)65-74                                           -11.019  < 2e-16
## factor(agecat)75+                                             -12.616  < 2e-16
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.White Non-Hispanic    -0.847 0.396868
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Black Non-Hispanic   2.948 0.003195
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Black Non-Hispanic     2.345 0.019036
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Hispanic            -1.621 0.105012
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Hispanic              -1.766 0.077340
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Other Non-Hispanic   3.295 0.000984
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Other Non-Hispanic     3.608 0.000309
## (Intercept)                                                   ** 
## factor(Education)Some College                                 ***
## factor(Education)High School                                  ***
## factor(Education)9 - 11th Grade                               ***
## factor(Education)8th Grade                                    ***
## factor(agecat)35-44                                           ** 
## factor(agecat)45-54                                           ***
## factor(agecat)55-64                                           ***
## factor(agecat)65-74                                           ***
## factor(agecat)75+                                             ***
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.White Non-Hispanic      
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Black Non-Hispanic ** 
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Black Non-Hispanic   *  
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Hispanic              
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Hispanic             .  
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Other Non-Hispanic ***
## interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Other Non-Hispanic   ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## (Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)
##     Null deviance: 3964.3  on 2898  degrees of freedom
## Residual deviance: 3446.2  on 2882  degrees of freedom
##   (3432 observations deleted due to missingness)
## AIC: 3480.2
## Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4

Note that if you simply call broom::tidy and use the default chunk options in RMarkdown, the results of calling broom::tidy will appear in your knitted output. Oh, by the way, the mean of the blood pressure variable is 121.83 mmHg.

## # A tibble: 17 × 5
##    term                                   estimate std.error statistic   p.value
##    <chr>                                     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1 (Intercept)                             109.        0.598   183.    0        
##  2 factor(Education)Some College             2.89      0.512     5.65  1.69e-  8
##  3 factor(Education)High School              3.41      0.572     5.97  2.46e-  9
##  4 factor(Education)9 - 11th Grade           2.67      0.677     3.94  8.31e-  5
##  5 factor(Education)8th Grade                3.68      0.929     3.96  7.58e-  5
##  6 factor(agecat)35-44                       4.06      0.616     6.59  4.83e- 11
##  7 factor(agecat)45-54                       6.64      0.614    10.8   4.70e- 27
##  8 factor(agecat)55-64                      12.7       0.649    19.6   8.15e- 83
##  9 factor(agecat)65-74                      15.8       0.736    21.5   3.14e- 99
## 10 factor(agecat)75+                        23.8       0.832    28.7   6.50e-170
## 11 interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))m…    3.70      0.477     7.74  1.11e- 14
## 12 interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))f…    4.79      0.903     5.30  1.18e-  7
## 13 interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))m…    7.73      0.952     8.12  5.69e- 16
## 14 interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))f…   -0.716     0.904    -0.792 4.28e-  1
## 15 interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))m…    4.38      0.858     5.11  3.40e-  7
## 16 interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))f…   -3.03      1.08     -2.81  4.95e-  3
## 17 interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))m…    4.30      1.12      3.82  1.33e-  4

Summary table by hand

Recall that last Thursday, we wrote our own function to extract coefficients from a model object. We can use this to extract coefficients and put them into a table. We can use the kable function to render this table in our html document.

# I've modified this function so that it extracts only the education estimates.
f_get_coefficients <- function(model){
  # grab the names of the effects in the model
  get_names <- names(coef(model))
  # grab the coefficients and the 95% confidence limits
  # and put them in a matrix
  estimates_and_cis <- cbind(coef(model), confint(model))
  # put everything into a tibble and return it
  results <- tibble(term = get_names, 
                    estimate = estimates_and_cis[, 1], 
                    lci = estimates_and_cis[, 2], 
                    uci = estimates_and_cis[, 3]) |>
    filter(str_detect(term, "Education") & term!="(Intercept)") |>
    mutate(term = str_replace(term, "factor\\((.*?)\\)", "\\1:"))

# Let's extract the education terms from each model
m1_coef <- f_get_coefficients(lm_model1) 
m2_coef <- f_get_coefficients(lm_model2) 
m3_coef <- f_get_coefficients(lm_model3)
m4_coef <- f_get_coefficients(lm_model4) 

all_coef <- m1_coef |>
  left_join(m2_coef, by = "term") |>
  left_join(m3_coef, by = "term") |>
  left_join(m4_coef, by = "term") 

      format = "html",
      col.names = c("Term", rep(c("Estimate", "lci", "uci"), 4)),
      digits = 2) |>
  add_header_above(c(" " = 1, "Model 1†" = 3, "Model 2‡" = 3, "Model 3§" = 3, "Model 4¶" = 3)) %>%
  kable_styling(full_width = FALSE, position = "center") %>%
    symbol = c(
      "Model 1 shows the crude association with education.",
      "Model 2 adjusts for age and sex-gender.",
      "Model 3 adjusts for age, sex-gender, and race/ethnicity.",
      "Model 4 adjusts for age and the interaction of sex-gender and race/ethnicity."
    symbol_title = "Notes:",
    footnote_as_chunk = TRUE,
    escape = FALSE
Model 1†
Model 2‡
Model 3§
Model 4¶
Term Estimate lci uci Estimate lci uci Estimate lci uci Estimate lci uci
Education:Some College 3.75 2.65 4.85 3.17 2.17 4.18 2.88 1.88 3.88 2.89 1.89 3.89
Education:High School 5.14 3.93 6.35 3.85 2.74 4.96 3.40 2.28 4.52 3.41 2.29 4.53
Education:9 - 11th Grade 4.69 3.26 6.11 3.24 1.94 4.55 2.68 1.35 4.00 2.67 1.34 4.00
Education:8th Grade 7.92 6.08 9.77 3.65 1.95 5.36 3.63 1.81 5.45 3.68 1.86 5.50
Notes: * Model 1 shows the crude association with education. † Model 2 adjusts for age and sex-gender. ‡ Model 3 adjusts for age, sex-gender, and race/ethnicity. § Model 4 adjusts for age and the interaction of sex-gender and race/ethnicity.

Summary tables using gtsummary

We can integrate calls to gtsummary::tbl_regression into our RMarkdown document and get pretty tables to appear in our knitted document.

# Creating Pretty Tables -----------------------------------------------------------

tbl_lm_model1 <- 
  tbl_regression(lm_model1, label = list('factor(Education)' ~ 'Education')) %>%
  bold_labels() %>%
    modify_caption("**Table 1:** Model 1 estimates showing crude associations of educational categories with average systolic blood pressure")

# We can also add some model fit statistics to the output
# by using add_glance_table()
tbl_lm_model1_glance <- 
  tbl_regression(lm_model1, label = list('factor(Education)' ~ 'Education')) %>%
  bold_labels() %>% 
  add_glance_table() %>%
  modify_caption("**Table 1:** Model 1 estimates showing crude associations of educational categories with average systolic blood pressure")
Table 1: Model 1 estimates showing crude associations of educational categories with average systolic blood pressure
Characteristic Beta 95% CI1 p-value

    College Grad — —
    Some College 3.8 2.7, 4.8 <0.001
    High School 5.1 3.9, 6.4 <0.001
    9 - 11th Grade 4.7 3.3, 6.1 <0.001
    8th Grade 7.9 6.1, 9.8 <0.001
R² 0.019

Adjusted R² 0.018

Sigma 17.3

Statistic 30.4

p-value <0.001

df 4

Log-likelihood -26,991

AIC 53,994

BIC 54,035

Deviance 1,886,669

Residual df 6,319

No. Obs. 6,324

1 CI = Confidence Interval
# What if I want to compare my models

# We can set the gtsummary theme so that the table is formatted
# e.g. here we format to the JAMA journal format
## Setting theme `JAMA`
## Setting theme `JAMA`
# First we format each of the models using tbl_regression

# Note for this first one that I am showing how to integrate this
# into a workflow where you start with the analytic data frame,
# pipe it into lm() and then pipe the results into
# tbl_regression
tbl_lm_model1 <- df_completecase %>%
  lm(BPSysAve ~ factor(Education), 
     data=.) %>%
                 label = list('factor(Education)' ~ 'Education'))

tbl_lm_model2 <- lm_model2 %>% 
                 label = list('factor(Education)' ~ 'Education',
                              'factor(agecat)' ~ 'Age category'))

tbl_lm_model3 <- lm_model3 %>%
                 label = list('factor(Education)' ~ 'Education',
                              'factor(agecat)' ~ 'Age category',
                              'factor(racecat)' ~ 'Racialized group'))

tbl_lm_model4 <- lm_model4 %>%
                 label = list('factor(Education)' ~ 'Education',
                              'factor(agecat)' ~ 'Age category',
                              'interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))' ~ 'Gender X Racialized group'),

# Now that each of the models has been formatted, I can use tbl_merge to
# put the models together to be shown side-by-side
tbl_merge_ex1 <-
    tbls = list(tbl_lm_model1,
    # the tab_spanner argument specifies the headings at the top of the table
    # that span multiple columns
    tab_spanner = c("**Model 1**", "**Model 2**", "**Model 3**", "**Model 4**")
  ) %>%
  modify_caption("Table 2: Comparison of linear model results")

Table 2: Comparison of linear model results
Characteristic Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Beta (95% CI)1 p-value Beta (95% CI)1 p-value Beta (95% CI)1 p-value Beta (95% CI)1 p-value
(Intercept) 119 (118 to 119) <0.001 109 (108 to 110) <0.001 109 (108 to 110) <0.001 109 (108 to 110) <0.001

    College Grad —
    Some College 3.8 (2.7 to 4.8) <0.001 3.2 (2.2 to 4.2) <0.001 2.9 (1.9 to 3.9) <0.001 2.9 (1.9 to 3.9) <0.001
    High School 5.1 (3.9 to 6.4) <0.001 3.9 (2.7 to 5.0) <0.001 3.4 (2.3 to 4.5) <0.001 3.4 (2.3 to 4.5) <0.001
    9 - 11th Grade 4.7 (3.3 to 6.1) <0.001 3.2 (1.9 to 4.5) <0.001 2.7 (1.3 to 4.0) <0.001 2.7 (1.3 to 4.0) <0.001
    8th Grade 7.9 (6.1 to 9.8) <0.001 3.7 (1.9 to 5.4) <0.001 3.6 (1.8 to 5.5) <0.001 3.7 (1.9 to 5.5) <0.001
Age category



4.0 (2.8 to 5.2) <0.001 4.1 (2.9 to 5.3) <0.001 4.1 (2.8 to 5.3) <0.001

6.7 (5.5 to 7.9) <0.001 6.7 (5.5 to 7.9) <0.001 6.6 (5.4 to 7.8) <0.001

13 (11 to 14) <0.001 13 (11 to 14) <0.001 13 (11 to 14) <0.001

16 (14 to 17) <0.001 16 (14 to 17) <0.001 16 (14 to 17) <0.001

24 (22 to 25) <0.001 24 (22 to 25) <0.001 24 (22 to 25) <0.001




4.0 (3.2 to 4.8) <0.001 4.1 (3.3 to 4.8) <0.001

Racialized group

    White Non-Hispanic


    Black Non-Hispanic

4.4 (3.1 to 5.7) <0.001


0.03 (-1.2 to 1.3) 0.96

    Other Non-Hispanic

-1.3 (-2.8 to 0.24) 0.10

Gender X Racialized group

    female.White Non-Hispanic

    male.White Non-Hispanic

3.7 (2.8 to 4.6) <0.001
    female.Black Non-Hispanic

4.8 (3.0 to 6.6) <0.001
    male.Black Non-Hispanic

7.7 (5.9 to 9.6) <0.001

-0.72 (-2.5 to 1.1) 0.43

4.4 (2.7 to 6.1) <0.001
    female.Other Non-Hispanic

-3.0 (-5.1 to -0.92) 0.005
    male.Other Non-Hispanic

4.3 (2.1 to 6.5) <0.001
1 CI = Confidence Interval

Summary tables using sjPlot

sjPlot::tab_model also works seamlessly with RMarkdown, although annoyingly it seems complicated to add a table caption (title).

# Pretty tabular output using sjPlot ----------------------------------------------
# tab_model can also print multiple models at once, which are printed side by side.
tab_model(lm_model2, lm_model3) 
  BP Sys Ave BP Sys Ave
Predictors Estimates CI p Estimates CI p
(Intercept) 109.18 108.08 – 110.28 <0.001 108.99 107.84 – 110.13 <0.001
Education [Some College] 3.17 2.17 – 4.18 <0.001 2.88 1.88 – 3.88 <0.001
Education [High School] 3.85 2.74 – 4.96 <0.001 3.40 2.28 – 4.52 <0.001
Education [9 - 11th
3.24 1.94 – 4.55 <0.001 2.68 1.35 – 4.00 <0.001
Education [8th Grade] 3.65 1.95 – 5.36 <0.001 3.63 1.81 – 5.45 <0.001
factor(agecat)35-44 4.01 2.80 – 5.23 <0.001 4.08 2.87 – 5.29 <0.001
factor(agecat)45-54 6.66 5.46 – 7.86 <0.001 6.67 5.46 – 7.87 <0.001
factor(agecat)55-64 12.74 11.47 – 14.01 <0.001 12.71 11.43 – 13.98 <0.001
factor(agecat)65-74 15.86 14.42 – 17.29 <0.001 15.89 14.45 – 17.34 <0.001
agecat [75+] 23.61 22.00 – 25.22 <0.001 23.86 22.23 – 25.49 <0.001
Gender [male] 4.01 3.23 – 4.79 <0.001 4.06 3.28 – 4.84 <0.001
racecat [Black
4.44 3.15 – 5.73 <0.001
racecat [Hispanic] 0.03 -1.23 – 1.30 0.958
racecat [Other
-1.29 -2.82 – 0.24 0.099
Observations 6324 6324
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.183 / 0.182 0.190 / 0.188
# Note that for generalized linear models,  instead of Estimates
# the column is labeled Odds Ratios (for logistic regression)
tab_model(logistic_model2, logistic_model3)
  Smoke Now Smoke Now
Predictors Odds Ratios CI p Odds Ratios CI p
(Intercept) 0.76 0.59 – 0.97 0.030 0.68 0.52 – 0.88 0.004
Education [Some College] 2.31 1.84 – 2.90 <0.001 2.36 1.88 – 2.98 <0.001
Education [High School] 2.72 2.13 – 3.47 <0.001 2.81 2.19 – 3.62 <0.001
Education [9 - 11th
4.85 3.73 – 6.35 <0.001 5.01 3.82 – 6.61 <0.001
Education [8th Grade] 3.30 2.30 – 4.75 <0.001 3.79 2.58 – 5.57 <0.001
factor(agecat)35-44 0.66 0.52 – 0.85 0.001 0.68 0.53 – 0.87 0.003
factor(agecat)45-54 0.51 0.40 – 0.64 <0.001 0.51 0.40 – 0.65 <0.001
factor(agecat)55-64 0.41 0.32 – 0.53 <0.001 0.41 0.32 – 0.53 <0.001
factor(agecat)65-74 0.18 0.13 – 0.24 <0.001 0.18 0.13 – 0.24 <0.001
agecat [75+] 0.06 0.04 – 0.09 <0.001 0.06 0.04 – 0.09 <0.001
Gender [male] 0.93 0.79 – 1.09 0.372 0.92 0.78 – 1.08 0.316
racecat [Black
1.77 1.35 – 2.34 <0.001
racecat [Hispanic] 0.76 0.58 – 1.00 0.055
racecat [Other
2.62 1.82 – 3.81 <0.001
Observations 2899 2899
R2 Tjur 0.148 0.164

Table summaries using stargazer

The stargazer package also can be used to generate pretty tables. Note that we had to specify results='asis' in the code chunk (see the Rmd file).

stargazer(lm_model1, lm_model2, lm_model3, lm_model4, 
          title="Table 2: Comparison of models for average systolic blood pressure in relation to education")
Table 2: Comparison of models for average systolic blood pressure in relation to education
Dependent variable:
(1) (2) (3) (4)
factor(Education)Some College 3.750*** 3.175*** 2.879*** 2.889***
(0.559) (0.511) (0.512) (0.512)
factor(Education)High School 5.140*** 3.851*** 3.396*** 3.414***
(0.619) (0.567) (0.572) (0.572)
factor(Education)9 - 11th Grade 4.688*** 3.243*** 2.677*** 2.668***
(0.727) (0.666) (0.678) (0.677)
factor(Education)8th Grade 7.921*** 3.653*** 3.634*** 3.678***
(0.941) (0.870) (0.929) (0.929)
factor(agecat)35-44 4.015*** 4.081*** 4.056***
(0.617) (0.616) (0.616)
factor(agecat)45-54 6.660*** 6.667*** 6.642***
(0.614) (0.614) (0.614)
factor(agecat)55-64 12.742*** 12.707*** 12.708***
(0.647) (0.650) (0.649)
factor(agecat)65-74 15.856*** 15.894*** 15.840***
(0.731) (0.736) (0.736)
factor(agecat)75+ 23.610*** 23.857*** 23.839***
(0.820) (0.832) (0.832)
Gendermale 4.010*** 4.062***
(0.398) (0.397)
factor(racecat)Black Non-Hispanic 4.440***
factor(racecat)Hispanic 0.034
factor(racecat)Other Non-Hispanic -1.290*
interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.White Non-Hispanic 3.696***
interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Black Non-Hispanic 4.787***
interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Black Non-Hispanic 7.725***
interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Hispanic -0.716
interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Hispanic 4.379***
interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))female.Other Non-Hispanic -3.030***
interaction(Gender, factor(racecat))male.Other Non-Hispanic 4.297***
Constant 118.563*** 109.178*** 108.987*** 109.178***
(0.391) (0.563) (0.583) (0.598)
Observations 6,324 6,324 6,324 6,324
R2 0.019 0.183 0.190 0.191
Adjusted R2 0.018 0.182 0.188 0.189
Residual Std. Error 17.279 (df = 6319) 15.773 (df = 6313) 15.713 (df = 6310) 15.707 (df = 6307)
F Statistic 30.376*** (df = 4; 6319) 141.603*** (df = 10; 6313) 113.754*** (df = 13; 6310) 92.940*** (df = 16; 6307)
Note: p<0.1; p<0.05; p<0.01

Plotting model results using sjPlot

# Plotting models ---------------------------------------------------------

# We can also add value labels and a title
           show.values=TRUE, value.offset=0.3,
           title="Associations with Average Systolic Blood Pressure (adjusted for age)",
           terms = c("factor(Education)Some College",
                     "factor(Education)High School",
                     "factor(Education)9 - 11th Grade",
                     "factor(Education)8th Grade",
                     "factor(racecat)Black Non-Hispanic",
                     "factor(racecat)Other Non-Hispanic"))

Example using broom::tidy and ggplot

# Comparing models visually -----------------------------------------------

# We want to compare estimates of the education effect in the crude and adjusted models
# Here, I show an example of using broom::tidy to extract the model estimates,
# stacking them together in a tibble,
# filtering out just the education terms,
# and piping the tibble into ggplot in order to plot the estimates.

# Extract the education effects from each model and combine in a tibble
lm_education_estimates <- bind_rows(broom::tidy(lm_model1, %>% 
                                      mutate(model = "Model 1"),
                                    broom::tidy(lm_model2, %>%
                                      mutate(model = "Model 2"),
                                    broom::tidy(lm_model3, %>% 
                                      mutate(model = "Model 3"),
                                    broom::tidy(lm_model4, %>%
                                      mutate(model = "Model 4")) %>%
  # here, we use stringr::str_detect to detect the entries
  # where term includes the string 'Education'
  filter(stringr::str_detect(term, "Education")) %>%
  # here, we use the separate() function to pull out the category labels
  # from term so that we can have nice labeling in the plot
  separate(col=term, sep=17, into=c("term", "category"), convert=TRUE)

# Use ggplot to plot the point estimates and 95% CIs
# Note that we are differentiating the models by color AND by the shape of the plotting symbol
ggplot(lm_education_estimates, aes(x=category, y=estimate, color=model, shape=model)) +
  # position=position_dodge() is specified so that the estimates are side by side rather than
  # plotted on top of one another
    geom_point(position=position_dodge(0.5), size=3) +
  # geom_errorbar allows us to plot the 95% confidence limits
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=conf.low, ymax=conf.high), position=position_dodge(0.5), width=0.2) +
  # scale_color_brewer allows me to control the colors for plotting the different models
    scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1") +
    labs(x="Education", y=expression(hat(beta))) +

Plotting using ggstatsplot

We can use the ggcoefstats() function from the ggstatsplot package as well.

A few things to note here:

            exclude.intercept = TRUE,
            stats.labels = TRUE,
            xlab = "Estimate",
            ylab = "Effect",
            title = "Model 3: Associations with average systolic blood pressure",
            sort = "none")
## Number of labels is greater than default palette color count.
## • Select another color `palette` (and/or `package`).